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SPC Results
First Prize
Zike Qin, The Experimental High School Attached To Beijing Normal University, China
Second Prize
Qinche Wang, Tsinghua International School, China
Third Prize
Junyuan Bao, Suffield Academy, USA
Jiahe Chen, Shanghai Pinghe School, China
Why do seahorses intertwine their tails? - Zike Qin
These two seahorses are engaging in this behavior primarily for mating purposes. Courtship involves intricate spins and changes in color to display affection. Moreover, seahorses engage in courtship rituals such as chasing, spinning, and synchronized swimming to strengthen their bond. Seahorses are unique in that males carry and birth the offspring. After the female seahorse lays hundreds of eggs into a specialized organ called the hatching sac on the male's abdomen, the male provides nutrients and oxygen to the developing embryos using his own blood. After a few weeks of gestation, the male releases the offspring. These newborn seahorses are self-sufficient from birth and require no parental care.
SPC Committee
Robert Wyman
Yale University
Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
Gong Xiaobo
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering
Deputy Head of Department of Engineering Mechanics
Oren A. Scherman
University of Cambridge
Professor of Supramolecular & Polymer Chemistry / Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis
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